Scratchy, irritated, sore. Anybody who’s suffered from dry eye knows how unpleasant it can be. We offer a comprehensive advanced dry eye treatment service that will provide you with solutions for relief from discomfort and let you get on with enjoying your life.
What is dry eye?
Your eyes rely on a layer of moisture called the tear film to protect them, keep dirt out, and lubricate them. Dry eye is a common condition where your tear ducts don’t produce enough tears or the tears you produce are low quality and evaporate too quickly. It’s a common condition. Several factors increase your likelihood of developing dry eyes:
- age; it’s more common as you get older
- air conditioning and windy weather can cause your tears to evaporate quicker than usual
- spending long periods at a screen can mean you don’t blink often enough, which can aggravate the problem
- some medical conditions and hormonal changes can also contribute to dry eye.
Dry eye symptoms
There are several possible symptoms. If you’ve got dry eye, you’ll have one or more of these issues:
- stinging or burning feeling in your eyes
- redness around your eyes
- bloodshot eyes
- a feeling of grittiness in your eyes
- blurred vision
- sensitivity to bright light
- watery eyes
- discomfort when you’re wearing contact lenses
Diagnosing and treating dry eye
Dry eye can be diagnosed in a comprehensive eye examination, where your optician will assess your overall eye health and evaluate your tear quality.
Dry eye is often treated with eye drops, but they only offer temporary relief. We offer intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment, an advanced therapy that tackles the root cause of dry eye. It reduces inflammation and improves the function of the meibomian glands in your eyes. It’s a popular treatment and has been proven to provide significant relief from dry eyes.
Book an appointment
Are you fed up with dry eye symptoms impacting your enjoyment of daily life? We encourage you to book an appointment with our experienced team. We guarantee a tailored treatment plan and a safe and comfortable treatment environment to help you manage this condition.